

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A True Miracle!

From 5-21-09 RA Graduation
Tonight, Jeremy, Emily, and I went to Restoration Christian Academy's High School Graduation in Fairfield, AL. I have been volunteering at this school for about 1 1/2 yrs. and it is truly a privilege to know these students.

It is amazing and so overwhelming that these students would make it and have such a huge life accomplishment. I am SO proud of them. There were 8 students that graduated and all have been accepted to college. Almost all of them are first time college students in their family.

I think this is just one of those miracles that we overlook each day. Just like the fact that babies being born are true miracles, these students are too! It makes me well up with joy for them. There were grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousin, family friends, etc. there to see this major milestone in their lives.

Congrats RA Graduates of 2009!
love you! Michelle

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