

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

18 weeks

The Week 18 photos is finally here. We have been in Memphis with Jen, Chad, Molly (17 months) and my parents for a fun, relaxing, and memory filled 4 days. Check out the photos on our Picasa link on the blog's left side.

This past weekend lots of new baby things have been going on...

1) We were hanging out on Friday night and Jen had a gift for us (and our baby). They are appliqued onesies that are a brand new line in her business Little One Originals. She also gave Jeremy a Horton Hears a Who onesie - he loves Dr. Seuss books.

2) My mom and sister also went with me to register at Babies R Us on Saturday morning. I could not have done it without them - they were a huge help. It was so much fun to dream!

3) Also on Saturday afternoon, Chad helped us to embed our ultrasound video in our blog post from last week, so take a look below.

4) I also felt the baby kick 2 times for the first time Monday night:
-(5:45p Monday) I was laying on the couch just resting after we got home from Memphis and it was really low
-(9:15p Monday) then I was slouched on the couch with my feet on the coffee table checking email and I felt something up by my bellybutton. Jeremy was sitting next to me, so he tried to feel it too, but of course it stopped again until 10:45 the next morning.

Here are some intersting facts on our baby from babycenter.com "Head to rump, your baby is approximately 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and weighs almost 7 ounces. He's busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. (so cool!) If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, although he may hide them from you during an ultrasound."


Ashley Matteo said...

hey michelle
i just found out you had a blog and i love it. dan and i are so excited for yall and pray that you keep having a good pregnancy and its so fun to feel the baby kick. that was probalby one of my favorite parts of being pregnant.

Shireen said...

YEAH!!! :)

I felt several kicks this morning at 5:00! I was laying on my tummy, propped up on my elbows, reading my Bible reading for the day, and I felt kicks! At first, I thought, "Is this gas?" Then, I realized...it's Rhys! :)

I haven't braved Baby's R Us yet!! :) Glad you had fun!

Kathryn said...

Glad you all had a fun family-filled and baby-celebrating weekend! Just think- Molly will have a playmate at those get-togethers soon! :) Doesn't look like Jeremy quite fits into his Horton onsie... ;)

The Morrows said...

yea! that's so fun! and so sweet to feel your little one moving inside you- i can't wait for that! i loved watching your US video as well :)

Tricia Carver said...

Oh my gosh! Michelle, I can't believe I just found your blog. It's Tricia, your favorite suitemate from AU! I'm so excited for y'all!! Send me an email address if you get a chance. I just talked to Melanie today and we were remembering the old days. I'd love to hear from you. auburnyl@hotmail.com