

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dr. Appointment and the Infamous Sugar Test

I went today for my 25 week appointment with Dr. Ross. It started out with me drinking the sugar drink to find out if I have gestational diabetes. I had heard horror stories about this "sugar liquid", but maybe things have changed b/c it just tasted like the kool-aid that Jeremy makes here at the house - since he likes to add "just a little more" sugar than the packet calls for. It was fruit punch and I only had to drink the size of a small styrofoam cup - not bad at all.

Then they took me back to see the Dr. Ross. Little One is measuring 26 weeks and has a 147 heartbeat. Everything is looking good. Jeremy didn't go with me since the appointment was going to take so long, so when they found the heartbeat I called him and let him listen to it. What a sweet heartbeat - and truly amazing too. Then after an hour they pricked my finger and tested it on a diabetes glucose meter and it was 116 - normal the nurse said. YEAH! No 3 hr. failure test during this pregnancy! They also took a vile of blood to test my iron. I will find out by Monday if my iron is low.

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