

Monday, October 6, 2008

24 weeks

From 1-24-09 Due Date

I have been reminded this weekend of the amazing husband that the Lord has given me. Through these comments my heart has been warmed:

1. We had arrived home from church and we were cooking lunch in the kitchen and Jeremy said "I am going to be sad when you are not pregnant anymore."

2. In Sunday School, we were in small groups and answered some get to know you questions. One of the questions was - How many kids do you think you will have in 5 yrs. Jeremy and I were at home Sunday evening and talking on the couch. He asked me "When do you think you will be ready to get pregnant again?" This makes my heart happy that he is loving this time and looks forward to our family still growing.

Pregnancy moments:

1. Jeremy told me Friday night as we were going to bed that when we were sleeping Thurs. night I had snuggled up to him during the night and he felt the baby kick his back. This is so amazing and special. Well, the baby started kicking as we were getting into bed Friday night, so I snuggled up to him again and he felt it 5-6 more times. So cool!

2. I think I have had my first craving - this week I have wanted fresh lemonade (Chick-fil-A is the best but Crystal Light will do also).

3. Tonight as we were watching tv, I asked Jeremy to pause it because the baby was kicking alot and we like to watch my stomach move. Well, this time we saw something new - a roll. It was like a leg or an arm move across part of my stomach. It was so neat to see this together for the first time.

Babycenter.com says "Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon."

This past weekend we went to Cullman to see our God-children. It was so good to visit with them and Josh/Sashari. Friday night, we ate dinner together. Saturday, we slept in and then went to Walker's flag-football game. See more photos here.

From 10-4-08 Cullman

From 10-4-08 Cullman

1 comment:

Shireen said...

Very sweet, Michelle.

We're having fun watching Rhys move around, too. It's funny how he'll have a really active day and then the next day he'll be pretty laid back and resting up for his next active day. :)

God is amazing through all of these experiences! Wow!