

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fun times with Good (Old) Friends (since Jr. High)!

From 6-25-11 Slidell Girls in Bham
2 of my friends since jr. high came with their families to our house for 3 nights (Kris, Jason, Sam (3), and Sophie (1 1/2); Me, Jeremy, and Emmie (2 1/2); Michelle, Ray, Maia (4), Connor (2 1/2), and Griffin (8 mo).
From 6-25-11 Slidell Girls in Bham
From 6-25-11 Slidell Girls in Bham
From 6-25-11 Slidell Girls in Bham
Friday morning, we did liquid sidewalk chalk and swam in the baby pool in the backyard.
From 6-25-11 Slidell Girls in Bham
From 6-25-11 Slidell Girls in Bham
Then, we went to the pool.
From 6-25-11 Slidell Girls in Bham
From 6-25-11 Slidell Girls in Bham
Then, we went out to dinner Friday night for Michelle Barrett's 33rd Birthday.
From 6-25-11 Slidell Girls in Bham
Saturday morning, we went to the lake house.
From 6-25-11 Slidell Girls in Bham
I LOVE this pix of Emmie (notice her sunglasses upside down. She puts them on this way ALL the time!)
From 6-25-11 Slidell Girls in Bham
From 6-25-11 Slidell Girls in Bham
Then on Sunday morning, the kids made shirts. Click on any of the above pictures to see more.

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