Hello my sweet Emmie!
Today is a gorgeous day from the Lord and we enjoyed it well. We took 2 walks, went swinging, and you played in the grass in the backyard while Daddy was doing some yard work. Daddy and I both had the same thoughts during this moment. Daddy..."I am so blessed to be doing yard work while my baby girl is playing on a blanket with her toys in the grass." Mommy looking out the kitchen window..."I am so happy cooking dinner while looking at my wonderful husband and sweet daughter in the back yard."
I was eager to post today because your vocabulary has exploded this month:
(this is a little more than the 7 words that she could say last month)
shew (stinky)
abba - lay back
no tank you - no thank you
kaka - cracker
Bable - Bible
Awmen - amen
alwight - alright
ow (when it hurts)
cak - duck sound
maw - cow sound
moow - cat sound
ru- dog sound
nite nite
"Hi, Dada!" - first sentence
aaful - waffle
mi mi - milk
Other new accomplishments:
-you give your baby dolls kisses
-you sign "All Done"
-you sign "thank you" and say no thank you when pushing things away
-you LOVE quartered grapes
-when you find a blankie - you put it by your ear and say "nite nite"
-you no longer have your paci (at naptime or at bedtime)
-you have dropped your morning nap, now you take 1 nap at 1pm for about 2-3 hrs.
-you sit forward in the car now, we transitioned you to your "big girl" car seat
-you try to blow your nose and also whistle
-you have all your 1 yr. molars in
-you FOUND your belly button after we read you the "Belly Button Book" - so cute!!! You lift up mine and your shirt throughout the day to make sure they are still there! this is awesome!
-each time you get up you want to get a book off your shelf
-you do 4 signs for 4 different songs that you love to sing: This Little Light, Head Shoulders Knees Toes, My God is So Big, and Patty Cake
Life is just grand with you, Emmie! We love living life with you and watching God grow and develop you each day. Thank you Lord, for bringing more joy to us than we could imagine though our little girl.
I love you!