What a blessed 365 days we have had with you! We are so thankful to the Lord for allowing us to have you in our home this past year. We had a very special weekend with you. We had your party yesterday at your Great Uncle Rick and Great Aunt Roxanne's house. Today we went to church and had a relaxing day at home.
This month you have:
-grown to 19 lbs and 6 ounces
-and 27 3/4 inches
-you are giving High Fives now!
-I have noticed lately that your hands are getting larger.
-you LOVE rolling the ball with us!
-you had your first "real" meal (rice, carrots, and cheese)
-Happy New Year's Eve - your bottom far left front tooth came in
-your first word is baby
-you can also say duck and diaper
-you had whole milk (4 oz) for the first time and I dropped your last nursing of the day.
-you know where your head and hair is (and sometimes your nose)
-you say "pee boo" (peek a boo)
-you LOVE for Mommy and Daddy to crawl behind you and chase you!!!!
-you really try to talk to us with more jabbering than babbling now.
dropped your lunch feeding.
-you sometimes do the sign for "more" when Mommy is
eating her oatmeal
-your bottom far right front tooth came in
-I dropped your mid-
afternoon feeding.
-I sing "
Fairest (Precious) Lord Jesus" to you
alot when laying your down for your naps.
-we went to get you up one morning and you were standing up in your bed
-you also pulled up on the ball popper at church in the
-the nursery workers said "Emmie is the sweetest baby we have in the nursery right now."
-on your birthday you started covering your eyes with your hands in the car and play peek a boo with me
Sweet girl, you make me smile so much. Just the other night we were talking about you and my cheeks were hurting from smiling so much!
I love you my baby girl!